Luna Tech

Tutorials For Dummies.

Flatten Json


0. 问题

之前在工作中遇到一个问题,我们要从客户的 API endpoint get 一些数据,然后根据具体的 field value 来做处理。

难点在于,客户 API 返回的数据格式是 json object,但是里面嵌套了很多个 json array。


而我们需要做的是,先找到一个最内层的 match value,比如我要根据 key 13 来 match 3 这个 value,然后呢,再回溯跟 key 13 相关的上面一个 level 的 property value,也就是 key 13 = 3 的时候,key 5 等于几。

  "key1": "value1",
  "key2": "value2",
  "key3": [
      "key4": [
          "key5": 1,
          "key6": {
            "key7": 1,
            "key8": 2,
            "key9": 3
          "key10": [
              "key11": 1,
              "key12": 2,
              "key13": 3
          "key5": 1,
          "key6": {
            "key7": 1,
            "key8": 2,
            "key9": 3
          "key10": [
              "key11": 1,
              "key12": 2,
              "key13": 4

1. 抽象


也就是说,我们要遍历整棵树,然后把每个 node 的路径存下来,并且通过给定一个 match-path 和 match-value,获取这个 match-node 的位置,并且能够根据这个位置,去获得这条路径上其他 node 的 value。

这里的难点在于如何处理 json array,因为你在 search 的时候不知道你需要 match 的那个 node 到底是 json array 的第几个 element,所以你只能给出一个模糊的 match-path,比如 key3[].key4[].key10[].key13 = 3,然后你需要回溯求得 key3[].key4[].key5 的值。

我们暂时先考虑 single match 的情况。

3. 举例

下面是一个 example json:

    "employees": [
        "id": 1,
        "values": {
          "first_name": "Luna",
          "last_name": "Wen"
        "positions": [
            "title": "developer"
        "id": 2,
        "values": {
          "first_name": "Luna2",
          "last_name": "Wen2"
        "positions": [
            "title": "business analyst"
        "id": 3,
        "values": {
          "first_name": "Luna3",
          "last_name": "Wen3"
        "positions": [
            "title": "tester"
    "update_datetime": "2020-08-14T13:52:18+10:00"

求解,当 position title = “business analyst” 时, employee first_name 是什么。

4. 代码

Step 1:把这个 json string 转换成 json token

PS: 我用的是 linqpad 来做 demo。

首先要把这个 json 的双引号都变成两个双引号。

然后 declare static variable。

static string jsonString = @"
    ""employees"": [
        ""id"": 1,
        ""values"": {
          ""first_name"": ""Luna"",
          ""last_name"": ""Wen""
        ""positions"": [
            ""title"": ""developer""
        ""id"": 2,
        ""values"": {
          ""first_name"": ""Luna2"",
          ""last_name"": ""Wen2""
        ""positions"": [
            ""title"": ""business analyst""
        ""id"": 3,
        ""values"": {
          ""first_name"": ""Luna3"",
          ""last_name"": ""Wen3""
        ""positions"": [
            ""title"": ""tester""
    ""update_datetime"": ""2020-08-14T13:52:18+10:00""

接下来 import 一个 json package -> Newtonsoft.Json.Linq。

然后 parse json string,转为 JToken type。

JToken token = JToken.Parse(jsonString);

Step 2:JToken To Dictionary Hierarchy

接下来我们要遍历这个 JToken,构造一个能体现出每个 value 所处位置的 dictionary。

这个 dictionary 的数据结构比较复杂,一方面我们要有一个 dictionary 来 map path 和 value,另一方面我们还要有个 outer dictionary 来 map 每一层的位置和每一层的 leaf nodes。

简而言之,我们需要这样一个东西 Dictionary<int[], Dictionary<string, object>> ,输出的结果长这样。


  1. Queue,enqueue 和 dequeue 能保证我们不断地进入下一个 level,把每一个 level 的 token 都存进 queue,然后 dequeue 的时候假如是 value 就存入 dictHierarchy
  2. concat path 可以定义 connector,用来构造 json path(array 和 object 有区别)
  3. IntArrayEqualityComparer 是用来比较 dictionary key 的,key 是一个 int array,hashcode 用来 check object identity
  4. Tuple 可以用来 create value object
  5. int[] a = new int[0]; 就是 create 一个 length = 0 的 int array,后面要用到 qt.Item1.Append(arrIdx).ToArray() 来赋值。
public class IntArrayEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<int[]>
	public bool Equals(int[] x, int[] y)
		if (x.Length != y.Length)
			return false;
		for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
			if (x[i] != y[i])
				return false;
		return true;

	public int GetHashCode(int[] obj)
		int result = 17;
		for (int i = 0; i < obj.Length; i++)
				result = result * 23 + obj[i];
		return result;

public static string ConcatePath(string prefix, string name, string connector)
	return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? name : prefix + connector + name);

public static Dictionary<int[], Dictionary<string, object>> JtokenToDictionaryHierarchy(JToken startToken)
	var dictionaryHierarchy = new Dictionary<int[], Dictionary<string, object>>(new IntArrayEqualityComparer());

	var arrayCount = 0;
	// Create the queue and add the starting element
	var queue = new Queue<Tuple<int[], string, JToken>>();
	queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(new int[0], string.Empty, startToken));

	// Loop through the token
	while (queue.Count > 0)
		var qt = queue.Dequeue();
		switch (qt.Item3.Type)
			case JTokenType.Object:
				foreach (JProperty prop in qt.Item3.Children<JProperty>())
					queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(qt.Item1, ConcatePath(qt.Item2, prop.Name, "."), prop.Value));

			case JTokenType.Array:
				int arrIdx = 0;
				foreach (JToken value in qt.Item3.Children())
					queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(qt.Item1.Append(arrIdx).ToArray(), ConcatePath(qt.Item2, $"[]", ""), value));

				if (!dictionaryHierarchy.ContainsKey(qt.Item1))
					dictionaryHierarchy.Add(qt.Item1, new Dictionary<string, object>());

				dictionaryHierarchy[qt.Item1].Add(qt.Item2, ((JValue)qt.Item3).Value);

	return dictionaryHierarchy;

第三步,当我们给定一个 match path 和 match value 时(给出 match 条件),需要返回一个包含所有与 match value 相关的 dictionary,这样我们才能用这个 result 去搜索我们最终希望得到的 value(和 match 条件不同的那个 path)。

Note:假如我们想支持 multiple match,只要稍加改动 GetFirstMatchAsRecord 这个 function 即可。

public static Dictionary<string, object> BuildRecord(Dictionary<int[], Dictionary<string, object>> dictHierarchy, int[] key)
	var dictionaries = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();

	int[] keyIter = key;
	while (keyIter.Length > 0)
		if (dictHierarchy.TryGetValue(keyIter, out Dictionary<string, object> d))

		// go to parent level
		keyIter = keyIter.Take(keyIter.Length - 1).ToArray();
	// convert dictionary list to dictionary
	return dictionaries
				.SelectMany(dict => dict)
				.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);

// we can return a list of dictionaries if we want to support multiple matches
public static Dictionary<string, object> GetFirstMatchAsRecord(string matchPath, string matchValue, Dictionary<int[], Dictionary<string, object>> dictHierarchy)
	foreach (var kvp in dictHierarchy)
		if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey(matchPath))
			if (matchValue.Equals(kvp.Value[matchPath]?.ToString()))
				return BuildRecord(dictHierarchy, kvp.Key);

	return null;

Step 4:get the final value!

最后其实就很简单了,我们只要用 result dictionary + path 作为 key,就可以获取 value。

void Main()
	JToken token = JToken.Parse(jsonString);
	var dictHierarchy = JtokenToDictionaryHierarchy(token);
	var result = GetFirstMatchAsRecord("[].employees[].positions[].title", "business analyst", dictHierarchy);
	var employeeFirstName = result["[].employees[].values.first_name"];

5. 完整代码

static string jsonString = @"
    ""employees"": [
        ""id"": 1,
        ""values"": {
          ""first_name"": ""Luna"",
          ""last_name"": ""Wen""
        ""positions"": [
            ""title"": ""developer""
        ""id"": 2,
        ""values"": {
          ""first_name"": ""Luna2"",
          ""last_name"": ""Wen2""
        ""positions"": [
            ""title"": ""business analyst""
        ""id"": 3,
        ""values"": {
          ""first_name"": ""Luna3"",
          ""last_name"": ""Wen3""
        ""positions"": [
            ""title"": ""tester""
    ""update_datetime"": ""2020-08-14T13:52:18+10:00""

public class IntArrayEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<int[]>
	public bool Equals(int[] x, int[] y)
		if (x.Length != y.Length)
			return false;
		for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
			if (x[i] != y[i])
				return false;
		return true;

	public int GetHashCode(int[] obj)
		int result = 17;
		for (int i = 0; i < obj.Length; i++)
				result = result * 23 + obj[i];
		return result;

public static string ConcatePath(string prefix, string name, string connector)
	return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? name : prefix + connector + name);

public static Dictionary<int[], Dictionary<string, object>> JtokenToDictionaryHierarchy(JToken startToken)
	var dictionaryHierarchy = new Dictionary<int[], Dictionary<string, object>>(new IntArrayEqualityComparer());

	var arrayCount = 0;
	// Create the queue and add the starting element
	var queue = new Queue<Tuple<int[], string, JToken>>();
	queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(new int[0], string.Empty, startToken));

	// Loop through the token
	while (queue.Count > 0)
		var qt = queue.Dequeue();
		switch (qt.Item3.Type)
			case JTokenType.Object:
				foreach (JProperty prop in qt.Item3.Children<JProperty>())
					queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(qt.Item1, ConcatePath(qt.Item2, prop.Name, "."), prop.Value));

			case JTokenType.Array:
				int arrIdx = 0;
				foreach (JToken value in qt.Item3.Children())
					queue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(qt.Item1.Append(arrIdx).ToArray(), ConcatePath(qt.Item2, $"[]", ""), value));

				if (!dictionaryHierarchy.ContainsKey(qt.Item1))
					dictionaryHierarchy.Add(qt.Item1, new Dictionary<string, object>());

				dictionaryHierarchy[qt.Item1].Add(qt.Item2, ((JValue)qt.Item3).Value);

	return dictionaryHierarchy;

public static Dictionary<string, object> BuildRecord(Dictionary<int[], Dictionary<string, object>> dictHierarchy, int[] key)
	var dictionaries = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();

	int[] keyIter = key;
	while (keyIter.Length > 0)
		if (dictHierarchy.TryGetValue(keyIter, out Dictionary<string, object> d))

		// go to parent level
		keyIter = keyIter.Take(keyIter.Length - 1).ToArray();
	// convert dictionary list to dictionary
	return dictionaries
				.SelectMany(dict => dict)
				.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);

// we can return a list of dictionaries if we want to support multiple matches
public static Dictionary<string, object> GetFirstMatchAsRecord(string matchPath, string matchValue, Dictionary<int[], Dictionary<string, object>> dictHierarchy)
	foreach (var kvp in dictHierarchy)
		if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey(matchPath))
			if (matchValue.Equals(kvp.Value[matchPath]?.ToString()))
				return BuildRecord(dictHierarchy, kvp.Key);

	return null;

void Main()
	JToken token = JToken.Parse(jsonString);
	var dictHierarchy = JtokenToDictionaryHierarchy(token);
	var result = GetFirstMatchAsRecord("[].employees[].positions[].title", "business analyst", dictHierarchy);
	var employeeFirstName = result["[].employees[].values.first_name"];

6. 结语

