Deploy a Dotnet Web API with Postgresql Integration
0. Objectives
- Setup Postgresql local db
- Connect dotnetwebapi app with the localdb
- Setup Postgresql cloud db
- Connect dotnetwebapi app with the remote db
- Deploy the dotnetwebapi app on Ubuntu
- Access API from url and can see data coming from db
Deploy a Dotnet Web API on Ubuntu with Nginx Reserve Proxy - Luna Tech (
lunawen/dotnetwebapi-postgresql (
1. Setup Postgresql on your local machine
Install Postgresql and make sure the server is started
Check out other tutorials for your local setup
Login as the default user (macOS)
psql -U postgres
# show all dbs
# show all users
# show tables
# exit
Create a new user (macOS)
psql -U postgres
# create a new user
create user dotnetwebapi with superuser password 'dotnetwebapi';
# create a new db
create database dotnetwebapi;
# exit
# login as the newly created user
psql -U dotnetwebapi -d dotnetwebapi
2. dotnet webapi setup
Install dotnet-ef tools
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
# verify
dotnet ef
Install EF Core as ORM
ORM connects C# objects to postgresql db records.
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
Add Connection String
// appsettings.json
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=dotnetwebapi;User Id=dotnetwebapi;Password=dotnetwebapi"
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
"AllowedHosts": "*"
Install postgresql DB provider
dotnet add package Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL
Install EF Core DB Migration packages
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.EntityFrameworkCore
Make some code changes
Note: you can download this repo for quickstart
Add DB migration
dotnet ef migrations add firstmigration --project dotnetwebapi.csproj
You might need to update the EF tool version
dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef
Check pending migrations
dotnet ef migrations list --project dotnetwebapi.csproj
Update database with pending migrations
dotnet ef database update firstmigration --project dotnetwebapi.csproj
Add record in db
# go to the dotnetwebapi db (macOS)
psql -U dotnetwebapi -d dotnetwebapi
# insert a record
insert into "WeatherForecasts" ("Date", "TemperatureC") values (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 20);
# check
select * from "WeatherForecasts";
Run the app and you should see data being displayed
3. Setup Postgresql on ubuntu remote server
Note: please read Deploy a Dotnet Web API on Ubuntu with Nginx Reserve Proxy - Luna Tech ( before you continue with the following steps
Install Postgresql
# install
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
# start the service
sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
Login as the default user
sudo -u postgres psql
# show all dbs
# show all users
# show tables
# exit
Create a new user and a new db
sudo -u postgres psql
# create a new user
create user dotnetwebapi with superuser password 'dotnetwebapi';
# create a new db
create database dotnetwebapi;
# exit
# login as the newly created user
sudo -u dotnetwebapi -d dotnetwebapi
4. Deploy to remote server
Create migration script (run on your local project path)
dotnet ef migrations script --output "migration.sql" --idempotent
Create published files (run on your local project path)
dotnet publish --configuration Release -o published
Copy the published files to remote server
Check out this article if you don’t know how.
Setup the postgresql on remote server
- set up a user with the username and password in the appsettings.json file (just like you did on your local)
- this is only recommend for development and learning
Run the migration script after logged in on the remote db
# login as the newly created user
psql -U dotnetwebapi -d dotnetwebapi
Run the dotnet app (remote)
Test the endpoint with curl (on your ubuntu server)
curl -v http://localhost:5000/weatherforecast
Test the url from your browser
If everything goes well, setup pm2
pm2 start "dotnet dotnetwebapi.dll" --name dotnetwebapi
# check
pm2 list
5. Summary
- for local setup, you can run ef core migration
- for remote setup, you need to run the script