Luna Tech

Tutorials For Dummies.

Builder Pattern


0. What is Builder Pattern?


Used to help use separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations.

1. Implementation of Builder Pattern

Example Code

Components & Steps

  1. Define a class object - complex object
  2. Add a builder interface
  3. Create a concrete builder class
  4. Implement a director class
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var items = new List<FurnitureItem>
            new FurnitureItem("Sectional Couch", 55.5, 22.4, 78.6, 35.0),
            new FurnitureItem("Nightstand", 25.0, 12.4, 20.0, 10.0),
            new FurnitureItem("Dining Table", 105.0, 35.4, 100.6, 55.5),

        // create an instance of the concrete class
        var inventoryBuilder = new DailyReportBuilder(items);
        // set up a director class
        var director = new InventoryBuilderDirector(inventoryBuilder);
        // use director to build the item
        // get the report from the concrete class
        var directorReport = inventoryBuilder.GetDailyReport();

Fluent Variation (not require director class)

Example Code

  1. Define a class object - complex object
  2. Add a builder interface - note we need to change the interface signature
  3. Create a concrete builder class
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var items = new List<FurnitureItem>
            new FurnitureItem("Sectional Couch", 55.5, 22.4, 78.6, 35.0),
            new FurnitureItem("Nightstand", 25.0, 12.4, 20.0, 10.0),
            new FurnitureItem("Dining Table", 105.0, 35.4, 100.6, 55.5),

        // create an instance of the concrete class
        var inventoryBuilder = new DailyReportBuilder(items);
        // call methods directly to build object
        // the fluent variation doesn't require a director class
        var fluentReport = inventoryBuilder

